Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Principles of War: How They Relate to the Martial Arts

The “Principles of War” are taught in some form by all Western armies. The American version that I learned as a West Point cadet consists of the following elements:

Economy of Force
Unity of Command

I still remember the principles by the acronym “MOOSEMUSS” taught to cadets as a memory aide.

The Principles of War are used at West Point in the analysis of the major battles and campaigns of history. With the “Treads of Continuity” they provide a flexible structure for understanding how a battle in 253 B.C. is related to one in 1992.

Technologies change the means of shooting, moving, and communicating but people and principles remain constant.

I suggest that the Principles of War are also useful in analyzing martial arts at the individual level and for developing doctrines that optimize the skills and capabilities of the martial artist.

To that end, I will review the “Principles” and apply them to myself in an effort to develop a personal martial arts doctrine.

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